Workers Against the University at UCI calls for Eating of UC Regents

I’m not sure if “cannibalism” is appropriate as it’s unclear whether the UC Regents are made from the same stuff we are, but either way, members of Workers Against the University at UCLA are in support of WAU at UCI’s plan to eat the regents. Their call to eat the regents is below, or you can read about it on their website: here

UC Workers Against The University

eat the regents

UC President Janet Napolitano has proposed an annual tuition increase of 5% for every year until 2020, for undergraduate and graduate students, starting the 2015 academic year. All UC chancellors have signed on in support of this increase, which would compound to about 27% by 2019.

Following this announcement, President Napolitano claimed total ignorance of any past agreement made between the UC Regents and Governor Jerry Brown to freeze UC tuition for four years, an agreement made after the pressure of direct action by UC students and workers.

The Regents appear to be using the proposed tuition hike as a coercive tactic to pressure the state into allotting more funds for the UC. In other words, UC administration is using the lives of students and workers as bargaining chips to fund their bloated administration.

We call bullshit.

They’ve tried this shit before: exploiting a perceived wane of activism in order to…

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